1 Peter 4:10 “each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others"

Need: As we begin to get back into normal rhythms, many of you are itching to get yourself and the kids out of the house. Here’s a number of easy access ideas to help you get started. Grab a friend or the family, and let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. 

Sign up for any of these you or your family may be interested:

  1. MyRide - MyRide Kingsport is a volunteer program that offers rides to seniors. Priority is given to those needing transportation to a medical appointment, but volunteers also give rides to grocery stores and other destinations. The program is currently operating with a skeleton crew and is in need of volunteers. To volunteer, call 423-530-6340. Let us know you chose this by signing up below. *Family Friendly
  2. Give Blood – On Saturday June 13, The Marsh Regional Blood Mobile will be at our church from 9am-1pm. They are currently low on every blood type except AB+. Please sign up at the bottom of this page and choose a time slot.
  3. Collect donations for a local ministry. Let us know you chose this by signing up below. *Family Friendly
    a. In June we will be collecting items for Hunger First. Collect the items below and drop them off at church at your convenience.
                            Self-opening cans of beanie weanies, ravioli, spam, green beans,
                            peas, or corn, plus breakfast bars, pop tarts, peanut butter crackers and water.
    b. In July we will be collecting items for Engage Tri-Cities, a gospel centered transitional housing ministry for the homeless. Collect the items below and drop them off at church at your convenience. 
                            Trash bags, cleaning supplies (bleach, toilet, bath and kitchen cleaners), air fresheners, toilet paper, paper towels,
                            dish soap, sponges, toiletries (shaving cream, razors, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, feminine hygiene items
  4. Community Prayer Walk Team – Cole Maupin will be leading a prayer walk around various parks and neighborhoods in June. Dates will be June, 20th, and 27th. Times TBD. *Family Friendly. Download this Document for more information
  5. Have a better idea for serving at home? Awesome! Create your own and tell us what it is by clicking on the sign up button below.